Called By God

Pastor Ryan

5 minute read

What are you called to do?

If you’re human, you’ve asked that question of yourself. Do you have a purpose, a divine calling? Regardless of your age, educational background, career path, or financial situation, there comes a time when you grapple with feelings of brokenness, frustration, or emptiness, asking yourself, “What am I called to do?”

Understanding your calling unveils more than just your life’s passion. Purpose and passion are two separate things, although they intersect quite often. No, your calling is much more. It comes from your Father in heaven. The Bible is replete with stories of God’s call to people. From God’s call to Abraham, where they dined together, to the burning bush that summoned Moses at the ripe age of 80, these stories prove God’s calling can happen at any stage of your life. You might wonder, “Will God call me in such a dramatic way?” Let me assure you, even if it doesn’t involve blinding light or talking animals, your calling is just as significant.

I remember my own calling experience. I was a few years into my career, aiming to climb the corporate ladder in Atlanta, Georgia. Yet, my perspective shifted during a mission trip to Guatemala. In those moments of solitude, God spoke to me for the first time, setting me on a course that would forever change my life. While there were no blinding lights or dramatic encounters, my heart resonated with a newfound sense of purpose. I realized that my job didn’t define me; my role was to know God and serve Him. That day, I signed a metaphorical dotted line and surrendered my life to God’s purpose. It was a transformative moment that sculpted my life forever. So I want you to understand what God’s calling for your life truly means:

1). Called – God’s Specific Assignment

Your calling represents God’s unique purpose for your life. You are handpicked, chosen by Him, and created for His divine plan. Remember, you are not an accident; God designed you to be here. He made you, formed you, and He will help you. Understanding that you are deeply loved by God changes the game.

2). Planned and Prepared

God’s calling is meticulously planned and prepared for you. Just as He knew Jeremiah before he was formed in the womb and sanctified, He knows you and has a specific purpose for your life. Your calling is a gift from God, unique to your existence, transcending any career or job changes.

3). Tested Yet Persistent

God’s calling for you will be tested. Joseph’s dreams stirred envy among his brothers, leading to adversity. Despite the trials and tribulations, he persisted. Similarly, your calling requires persistence, not perfection. Even Paul, once a blasphemer and persecutor, found his calling in Christ’s service. God can redeem even your darkest moments and weave them into His plan.

4). Enabled by God

As you walk in your calling, God will enable you. We pray that God enables you to live a life worthy of His call. His grace empowers you to accomplish all the good things that are prompted by your faith. Trust that the One who calls you is faithful and will provide the strength to fulfill His purpose.

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Embrace your calling with open arms, for God has a destiny designed just for you. Many of you know about my brother, whose life was tragically cut short. It is because of that heartbreaking loss that I can tell you with certainty that your calling can impact the world, leaving an indelible mark on others. Tragedies may alter your circumstances, but they cannot change your calling. As you journey onward, remember that you are deeply loved, chosen, planned for, tested, and enabled by the Creator of the universe. Your calling is your masterpiece, your gift to the world.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11