Two Chairs

Bob Beaudine

5 minute read


As Zig Ziglar famously put it, “Money isn’t the most important thing, but it is… like oxygen.” Money matters, no doubt, but have you ever considered where it truly comes from? It’s not some magical paper that materializes out of thin air. It flows from a wellspring deep within you – your ideas, your thoughts, and your actions.

Think of it this way. Most people trade their time for money, a fair exchange in the grand scheme of life. But what if there was a way to accelerate this process, to turn your ideas into a currency that flows effortlessly into your life?

The real catalyst here is how you think. Your thoughts are the root cause of your financial situation. If you’re stuck in a cycle of lack, it’s likely because of your thinking patterns. The good news is that you have the power to change this.

Consider how you begin your day. Do you start it with clarity and intention, or is it a mad rush into the chaos of life? Imagine having a simple ritual, like sitting in two chairs where you begin a conversation with God. Just you and him. I wrote a book about this, “2 Chairs,” in which I share my experience about getting to know God. I’ve learned it’s not about being in control, but about finding that sacred space where you can choose your response to the worries and cares of this life from Heaven’s perspective.

Now, ponder this scenario. What if there was a 1% chance that God Himself would meet you at those “2 chairs” tomorrow morning? Would you go? The truth is, you don’t need a divine appointment; the power to transform your life is already within you.

Life is about that one unexpected idea, one crucial thought, or one transformative friend who can alter your path entirely. Are you actively seeking these game-changers?

It’s time to let go of control where it’s not needed. Surrender to the flow of life, trust your instincts, and watch how you influence the world around you. As Fred Rogers wisely said, “There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person. A gift.”

Today, take these action steps to unlock the power within:

  1. Assess if you’re trading time or ideas for money. Consider how you can shift towards the latter.
  2. Seek that one thought, one idea, or one connection that can change your trajectory.
  3. Commit to your “2 chairs” morning ritual, even without a divine appointment.
  4. Identify areas in your life where you can let go of unnecessary control.
  5. Realize the incredible power you possess to impact the lives of those around you.

You are a powerhouse of potential. Your thoughts, your ideas, and your actions have the capacity to create abundance not just for you but for the world. Tap into this power within you and watch how your life transforms.