It’s Time to Dream Again- Living Pure Before God

Pastor Ryan

5 minute read


Something of yours is in danger.

For many of you, marriage is an incredibly wonderful gift from God. I’m blessed with my incredible wife, Ellie. Our marriages, both yours and mine, are under attack from an enemy who hates the blessings marriage brings. In a world saturated with impurity and moral ambiguity, the call to live pure before God stands as a beacon of hope and holiness. As believers, you are tasked with navigating the attacks of a mortal enemy while maintaining a strong commitment to purity in heart, mind, and action. I want you to be aware of the enemy’s plans and be equipped on how to combat them. Here’s what you need to know.

1). Pay Attention to What You Hear

The words you hear have the power to shape your thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors. Proverbs 4:20-23 urges you to “pay attention to what [you] hear” and to guard your heart diligently, for from it flows the wellspring of life. Today’s culture is inundated with messages that promote something deadly to your marriage: moral compromise. You must filter what you allow into your mind and conversely, your marriage. Choose instead to meditate on that which is true, noble, just, pure, lovely, and of good report (Philippians 4:8). By being intentional about the content you expose yourself to, you can safeguard your heart and maintain the purity necessary for a healthy marriage. One of the most critical channels of communication is now in the world of texting. Beware of these personal interactions:

  • Make sure personal interactions and texting are professional
  • When dealing with someone whom you may be attracted to or who may be attracted to you, be wise, be in the public eye, and be courteous.
  • Stop conversations if they turn too personal, intimate, or inappropriate.
  • Share with your spouse about whom you are texting with and what you are talking about.

2). Pay Attention to What You Think About

Your way of living will always follow your way of thinking. Proverbs 23:7 says that “as [a person] thinks in his heart, so is he.” Think about that for a second. It is essential to be focused on the thoughts you entertain, ensuring they align with God’s truth. The thoughts you think about your spouse will be followed by your actions. How do you change those thoughts? Through prayer, meditation on Scripture, and accountability with fellow believers, you can renew your mind and guard against the influence of impure thoughts, especially against your spouse.

3). Pay Attention to Where Your Path Takes You

Proverbs 4:25-27 encourages you to “let your eyes look straight ahead” and to “ponder the path of your feet” to ensure that you stay on the path of righteousness. You must be vigilant in avoiding places, situations, and relationships that could lead you astray or compromise the purity of your relationship.

4). Pay Attention to Your Spouse When You Are Married

Hebrews 13:4 emphasizes the sanctity of marriage and the importance of keeping the marriage bed undefiled. This entails prioritizing your spouse’s needs, fostering open communication, and guarding against anything that could undermine the intimacy and trust within the marital relationship. By investing in your marriage and cultivating a spirit of mutual respect and devotion, you honor God’s design for marriage and experience the fullness of His blessings within your relationship.

By paying attention to what you hear, think about, and where your paths lead you, you can uphold God’s standards of righteousness and experience the abundant life He promises. Whether single or married, commit to a lifestyle of purity that glorifies God and reflects His holiness to the world.