Top 7 things to Know

(When Looking for a Church Home)

Ryan Binkley

5 minute read


As soon as people find out I’m a pastor,they ask me, “What’s your church like?” But they’re asking the wrong question. What’s my church like? Well, my church is like Regi, Tim, Jennifer, Banks, Ellie, and, well –  you. My church is the people who go there. I know that when people ask me “What’s my church like?”, what they’re really asking is “What is your church service like?” They usually want to know if we sing hymns, talk about controversial subjects, or have programs that cater to their demographic. While there’s nothing wrong with those questions, too often people can make their church home based on shallow reasons. I want to help you find your church home as quickly as possible by sharing with you the seven things to be aware of when looking for a church:


1. Theology 

I can’t stress this enough. There’s a growing number of churches that stray increasingly farther from orthodoxy. Think about whether the church’s beliefs align with your own and with Scripture. Most churches have a statement of faith similar to THIS on their website.

2. Gospel Focused 

It’s easy to say a church could provide different programs to add value to people’s lives, but the truth is the only thing of value the church has to offer is the Gospel. A lost, dying world needs the good news of who Jesus is. 

3. Community

Look for ways to connect with and contribute to the church’s community. Can you help welcome newcomers and make them feel at home? Can you be the reason someone feels connected? 

4. Leadership 

Nobody’s perfect, including pastors and elders. But integrity matters.There’s a difference between church hurt (which everyone experiences) and unnecessary church hurt. A good leader can make all the difference. 

5. Teaching

According to a Barna research study, the top reason someone liked or disliked a new church was if they connected to the teaching. A whopping 94% said the quality of teaching was their top reason for attending their church. I understand that if someone is going to invest an hour of their week investing spiritually it should be well prepared. 

6. Outreach

Consider how you can support the church’s outreach programs and help make a difference in your local community. How can they help you use your resources to support local and international missions?

7. Discipleship

Look for ways to get involved with the church’s programs and activities.If you have kids, a great kids discipleship program is worth investing in. Whether it’s kids, marriage, or community discipleship you’re looking for, find out the reputation of the church’s discipleship programs from people who know about the church. 


The truth is there’s only one Church (with a big ‘C’), and that’s Jesus’ church. If you want to truly be a Jesus follower, that involves being a part of the local church, which is the hope for mankind. I’d love to invite you to Create Church this Sunday, and if we’re not the right fit, I’ll be the first to recommend other churches in the area.