God Encounters Pt. 1

Seven Reasons Why God’s Voice Can be Distant

Ryan Binkley

5 minute read


Even as Christians, we all experience major transitions in our lives, whether it’s a new job, a new relationship, or a significant loss. I’ve shared many times about my transition back to Dallas following the loss of my brother. It was one of the biggest transitions I’ve ever faced, but what I’ve seen is it was also the greatest opportunity for God’s growth and transformation in my life. For all of us, major life transitions lead to encounters with God. These God encounters feed a desire for meaning and purpose, which are ultimately fulfilled by our relationship with God when we experience the transformative power of His presence. 


So why does it feel like He’s far away? 


I’d like to give you seven reasons why God’s voice can seem distant in our lives:


  1. DisobedienceI can’t stress this one enough. Biblically speaking, disobedience is one of the primary reasons you may not hear from the Lord. If we are not living in obedience to His commands, we will struggle to hear His voice. Disobedience can be by omission (inaction) or commission (directly sinning). If you want to hear from God, you must be willing to obey Him, no matter the difficulty.
  2. Distractions – It’s easy to get distracted today. My favorite distraction is Facebook Reels. In our busy world, we’re bombarded with constant noise and distractions that can make it difficult to hear from God. If you want to hear from God, you must create space in your life for Him. If you think that the age of social media, Netflix, and demanding careers somehow makes following Jesus hard, just know the disciples, who had none of those, dealt with distractions as well.
  3. Disbelief – It’s crazy to think this, but one of the most common reasons people I talk to don’t hear the voice of the Lord is simply because they do not truly believe that He will speak to them. We may have doubts about His existence, His love for us, or His ability to communicate with us. However, the Bible tells us that God desires to speak to His children and that He will do so if we seek Him with a sincere heart. If you struggle with disbelief, ask God to help you overcome your doubts and to reveal Himself to you in a way that you can understand.
  4. Disingenuous – If we are not genuine in our relationship with God, we may not hear Him. God desires that we come to Him with a humble and sincere heart, willing to confess our sins and seek His forgiveness. If we are operating from motives or agendas, even those hidden from ourselves, we struggle to hear His voice. If you want to hear from Him, be honest with Him. He already knows your struggle, and He can relate to you in your weakness.
  5. Demonic Attacks – Scripture tells us that Satan is the father of lies and that he seeks to deceive and destroy us. He does this by attacking our confidence in hearing God. Demonic attacks can take many forms, including many that deserve their own blog (maybe we’ll get to that soon!). If you are experiencing a spiritual attack, it may be difficult to hear from God, but know you are not alone
  6. Desert Seasons – One of the most common challenges heroes of scripture had to face is the desert experience. Moses. David. Elijah. Jesus. All of them experienced seasons in the desert. These seasons can be painful and confusing, but they are often necessary for our spiritual growth and development. During these times, it is important to cling to God’s promises and to continue seeking Him, even when it feels like He is far away. Remember that God is always with you, even when you cannot feel His presence.
  7. Don’t Read Your Bible – Finally, if you want to hear from God, you must spend time in His Word. The Bible is the primary way that God speaks to us, and if we neglect it, we will miss out on His voice. Reading the Bible is not just an academic exercise; it is an opportunity to encounter God and to learn more about His character and His plan for our lives. If you are struggling to hear from God, start by spending time in His Word and asking Him to reveal Himself to you through its pages.


If you’re struggling to hear from the Lord, examine your heart and ask yourself if any of these reasons may be hindering your ability to hear from Him. Remember that God desires to speak to us and guide us in all areas of our lives. As we seek Him with a pure heart, we can trust that He will make His will known to us!