Stand- Pt. 1

Ryan Binkley

5 minute read


Imagine you walk into work on Monday and your boss asks you to set a million people free from slavery, then escape to the coast where you most certainly will be caught and killed. Welcome to the world of Moses. God asked him to take a stand for freedom but didn’t tell him the full plan. God will often present an incomplete, seemingly detail-deficient plan. But don’t worry, He is not seeking your approval.


There will be moments in your career, in your family, and in your community, when you will have to stand alone in order to follow God. You will not have all the details, you will have detractors, and you will have doubters. But like Moses before Pharaoh, you must learn how to take a stand. 


1. Stand Even When You Don’t Have All the Details

One of the hardest questions to answer is not, “Does God exist?”, but rather “Is God good?” It is essential to remember that we cannot fully understand God, but we can trust him. His plans are always for our good. We need to learn to move forward even when we don’t have all the details. Ecclesiastes 11:4-5 says: “He who observes the wind will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap. As you do not know the way the spirit comes to the bones in the womb of a woman with a child, so you do not know the work of God who makes everything.”


Moses trusted in God’s goodness even when he knew very little of God’s plan. 


2. Stand Even When You Have Detractors

Trust this simple truth: God sends purpose, the enemy sends discouragement. It is not uncommon to face your detractors after you discover God’s calling in your life. These voices come in many forms, but  they all share a lack of vision, both for themselves and you. However, their negativity should have no effect on your assigned purpose. When the magicians of Egypt, Jannes and Jambres, opposed Moses, God used that opportunity to show His true strength. You should always remember that we are in a spiritual battle, and our weapons are not physical but rather spiritual. 


3. Stand Even When You Have Doubters

In life, there will always be people who doubt you and your abilities. But don’t let their doubts consume you or make you lose faith in yourself. Instead, stay true to your beliefs and trust that God has a plan for you. You have to remember that even Jesus had his doubters. And if there was a way to stand for truth and have no doubters, Jesus would have figured it out. 


When the Israelites were trapped between the sea and the pursuing Egyptians, they started doubting and complaining to Moses. Despite their doubts, Moses kept his faith in God and trusted that He would deliver them. 


In life, you will face situations where you don’t have all the details, have detractors, or have doubters. But you must stand firm in your faith and trust in God’s plan for you. You must be courageous, strong, and steadfast in your beliefs, just as Moses did when he led the Israelites out of Egypt.