
At Create Church, we believe fervent, heart-felt prayer is key to leading people to Christ and essential to what we do as a Church. We believe we would not have seen lives changed or experienced supernatural growth without the ministry of prayer. Fill out the form below or call us at 469-904-6580.

I prayed for this

Prayed for 12 times.

Shon Scott

I have a colonoscopy appointment on October 24th. I'm really nervous about this cup coming appointment. For this colonoscopy, I'll be my first one I hope that any examination that the doctor that is handling the procedure. That win examining my calling area for the colonoscopy set. Everything is normal. There were no cancers, tumors, or major polluts. And around that area for to be examined And the procedure will turn out safe. And everything will be okay and I will recover quickly etc. Please pray thank you

Received: October 1, 2023

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