Palm Sunday

Pastor Ryan

5 minute read


The world will end. It won’t be today…probably.

I  get asked often about prophecy and the end times. Signs around the world relate to the Bible. In the midst of tumultuous times, like today, you can find yourself pondering the signs of Jesus’ return.

Think of what Biblical Prophecies have said in Scripture.

As Jesus and His disciples approached Jerusalem, the prophecy of the humble King riding on a donkey was fulfilled. That’s why we celebrate Palm Sunday. Today, as you witness wars, political unrest, and natural disasters, you probably can’t help but wonder – What does it all mean? Is this the end of the world? What are the signs of when that will happen?

In Matthew, His disciples ask those very questions, and I want to break down the answer that He gives them, found in Matthew 24:

1. People will Praise and People will Doubt
Just as the crowds welcomed Jesus with shouts of praise, there were others who doubted and questioned His identity. Today, some proclaim Him as Savior while others dismiss Him as merely a man. In the midst of differing opinions, one truth remains – Jesus is the King.

2. People will Believe and People will Mock
In this dichotomy of belief and mockery, the message of Jesus continues to ring true. While some embrace Him as the Son of God, others ridicule His teachings. Yet, regardless of opposition, the truth of His kingship endures.

3. Signs of Deception
Jesus warned of false messiahs and prophets who would deceive many. In our time, amidst the noise of conflicting voices, discernment is crucial. Do not be deceived. Be very familiar with God’s truth in scripture and, the enemy will have a difficult time deceiving you.

4. Signs of Wars, Famine, and Persecution
The prevalence of wars, famines, and persecution serves as harbingers of the end times. Yet, amidst these trials, Jesus reassures us of His presence and sovereignty. As followers of Christ, we are called to stand firm in faith, even in the face of adversity.

5. Signs of Lawlessness and Revival
In a world marked by increasing lawlessness, the promise of revival shines brightly. The Good News of the Kingdom will be proclaimed to all nations, ushering in a time of spiritual awakening. Let us eagerly anticipate the fulfillment of this promise.

6. Signs of the Heavens and Noah’s Day
As we witness celestial phenomena and reflect on the days of Noah, we are reminded of the imminent return of our King. Just as Noah diligently prepared for the flood, we are called to be watchful and ready for the coming of the Son of Man.

As you navigate the signs of our King’s imminent return, heed His words: “Keep watch! For you do not know the day your Lord is coming.” I pray that you will be found faithful, ready to welcome our King with open arms.