Encounters- Marketplace Ministry

Dr. John Binkley

5 minute read


In a world where work often feels mundane and disconnected from our spiritual lives, it’s time to awaken to a profound truth – God has called you to be a vessel of His glory in the marketplace. You see, it’s not just in the sanctuary or during moments of worship that we can encounter God. He desires to work through us in every sphere of life, including our jobs and careers. My hope for you today is to delve intoGod’s desire for you to bring Him glory in the marketplace.


Unveiling the Mind of God:

Did you know that God has given you the ability to think His thoughts? In 1 Corinthians 2:9, we learn that the things God has prepared for those who love Him are beyond what our eyes have seen or our ears have heard. As amazing as that is, here’s the exciting part – through His Spirit, God reveals these deep things to us. As believers, we have received the Spirit of God, enabling us to know the thoughts and wisdom freely given to us by God Himself. So when you approach your career, your boss, your co-workers, do so with the mind of Christ. 


You Are Anointed for All Things:

In 1 John 2:20 and 2:27, we are reminded that we have an anointing from the Holy One. This means that as followers of Christ, we are equipped with His Spirit, empowering us to know all things and be led by His wisdom. The anointing is not limited to a select few; it is available to every believer. As you step into your workplace, know that you do so carrying the anointing of God and that His wisdom is accessible to guide you in every decision. I’ve seen many people destroy their witness as ambassadors for Christ because they forgot they were anointed to be in the marketplace. 


You Are Called as Artisans:

In Exodus 35:30-32, we encounter Bezalel, who was called by name and filled with the Spirit of God. He was given wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and skill to create artistic works. This story illustrates that God is not only interested in the spiritual aspects of our lives but also in our workmanship and talents. Whether you are an artist, an entrepreneur, a teacher, or any other kind of professional, God wants to infuse your work with His Spirit. Your skills and abilities can become instruments through which God reveals His glory.


Marketplace ministry only works if we bring our work matters before God. When was the last time you had a conversation with Him about your boss? What is God’s plan for your organization? As we embrace the truth that God has called us to be His vessels in the marketplace, our perspective shifts. We realize that our jobs are not merely means of survival or personal achievement but opportunities to bring God’s light, wisdom, and creativity into the world. So, let us approach our work with renewed purpose, seeking to honor God in all we do. As we align our hearts with His, we will see our workplaces transformed into spaces where His glory shines brightly. Embrace your calling as a marketplace minister, and let your work become a testimony of God’s goodness and grace.