Summer at Create- Growth Mindset

Pastor Banks

8 minute read


I want to talk about a subject that the Lord has been challenging me with – the title of the message is “Break the Limits”. Man is a spirit, lives in a body, and has a soul. The soul is where man’s emotion, intellect and the mind is. There are limitations that can stop us from becoming all that God has called us to be, if we are not equipped to break the limits.


While there may be something over our minds – a wrong belief, a difficult emotion, a lying spirit that can hinder us. Those things still do not have the power to stop us unless we choose to allow them to do so.


There was an experiment that was done that you might be familiar with. A group of fleas was put in a jar and a lid was placed on it. The scientists observed over time that the fleas tried to escape. They would jump up, hit their flea heads on the lid, and jump back down. They kept doing that over and over. Eventually the fleas would not jump to the very top to hit the lid anymore. The lid was taken off but the fleas could not jump out of the jar because they’ve already been pre-conditioned in their mind to think that there is a limit to which they can jump, and because of that mindset, they never got free.


Jesus puts it this way. He said that, “You shall know the truth, and the truth will make you free”.

It’s not enough to know the Word of God. It is not enough for us to receive a calling from God and know the dream that the Lord has for us.

If we do not take practical steps towards the dream, that dream will never be realized.

I want to introduce you to the concept of a growth mindset versus a fixed mindset.

What is a fixed mindset? Like with the fleas, a fixed mindset is the belief that our qualities and abilities are already set in stone. But a growth mindset is the belief that the qualities and abilities that we need to accomplish our dreams can be acquired and developed over time.

That kind of growth mindset is what we’ve got to develop! When we look at the story of Moses, he used his growth mindset to be able to fulfill what God has called him to fulfill.


Moses’s growth mindset allowed him to break these limitations:


  1. Limitation of past sins

  2. Limitation of age and ability 

  3. Limitation of natural disposition. 


You are reading this article because God has given you a growth mindset. Don’t allow any limitation to stop you from accomplishing what God has called you to. 


Practical applications: 

  1. Forgive yourself for your past sins because God has already forgiven you.

  2. Your abilities are not set in stone because you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.

  3. You can overcome any natural disposition that gets passed down to you. It ran in the family until it ran into you. Be the one to break certain habits and patterns that have limited people in your blood line. If you have a predisposition to alcoholism and it’s destroyed people in your family then it might just be that you should not touch alcohol not because it’s bad in itself but it’s bad for you. Rise above the natural disposition of poverty mindset, an average mindset. You can choose to have an excellent mindset. Let the growth mindset in you rise up today and go after your calling.


Exodus 3: vs 10 – 11

“But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?” So He said, “I will certainly be with you…”


Let’s all remember this – As He was with Moses, He will certainly be with you also. You are not alone, you are not fulfilling the calling in your own strength. 

A growth mindset can help you finally see what the Lord is doing. Zechariah 4:6 says, “‘It’s not by power, it’s not by might, but it is by my spirit’ says God.” He will be with you if you’re ready for the Lord to help you break the limits.