Favor and Blessings

Pastor Ryan

6 minute read


I believe God has something big in store for you in 2024.

How do I know? Because of His favor for you.

From the moment you receive God’s grace and salvation, you are drawn to His favor. The stories of those who sought the favor of the Lord show that they were blessed. Conversely, tales of those who sought the favor of people and their consequent suffering serve as stark warnings. The Bible is filled with stories of both blessings and curses. It’s through God’s favor that these big things that God has planned will happen.

How do you access this blessing? Have you ever wondered if you could be blessed? When and why does God bestow specific blessings? What can you do to receive one? On this journey, let’s explore the profound Power of a Blessing.

The Power of a Blessing

1. The Blessing of the Lord Brings Strength

In Psalm 1, you find a powerful depiction of the strength that comes with God’s blessing. Those who delight in His law and meditate on it day and night are like trees planted by rivers of water, bearing fruit and prospering. The righteous, blessed by God, find unwavering strength.

2. The Blessing of the Lord Brings Wealth

Proverbs 10:22 reveals that the blessing of the Lord makes one rich without adding sorrow. True wealth is not just about material possessions; it encompasses abundant life, peace, and contentment.

3. The Blessing of the Lord Brings Protection

Psalm 5 is a beautiful reminder of the protection that God’s blessing provides. Those who trust in Him find refuge. God defends the righteous and surrounds them with His favor as a shield.

4. The Blessing of the Lord is Eternal

In Genesis 12, God’s promise to Abram exemplifies the eternal nature of His blessing. Through Abram, all the families of the earth would be blessed. This promise finds its ultimate fulfillment in Jesus Christ, whose sacrifice provides eternal blessings.

5. The Blessing of the Lord should be Honored

The story of Esau and Jacob illustrates the value of a blessing. Esau, in a moment of weakness, despised his birthright, trading it for a meal. In contrast, King David, despite being pursued by King Saul, refused to harm God’s anointed. Honoring blessings is a sign of spiritual maturity.

6. The Blessing of the Lord is Granted by Receiving Jesus Christ

Ephesians 1:3 reminds you that God has blessed you with every spiritual blessing through Jesus Christ. In Christ, you find redemption, grace, and the promise of the Holy Spirit. His sacrifice on the cross ensures that you partake in God’s blessings.

7. The Blessing of the Lord is to Be Passed on to Others

In Matthew 28, Jesus commissions His disciples to go and make disciples of all nations. He encourages you to baptize and teach, sharing the blessings of the gospel. The blessing you receive from God is meant to be shared, multiplying its impact.

Just as God’s blessings have touched the lives of countless individuals throughout history, you too have the privilege of passing on these blessings. It is through Jesus Christ that you access this divine favor, and it is through your faith and obedience that you walk in its abundance. So, as you journey through life, let the Power of a Blessing guide you. Delight in God’s law, trust in His promises, and honor His blessings. As you do, you become a vessel of His favor, bringing hope, joy, and transformation to a world in need.