Encounters- God Encounters

Pastor Ryan

5 minute read


I want to address the most COMMON questions I hear as your pastor. 


That question is, “How does God speak to me?

Have you ever longed for a divine encounter? A moment where you can tangibly experience the presence of God and hear His voice speaking directly to you? The good news is that God desires to communicate with all His children, and He does so through various means. I want to explore three simple, yet powerful channels  in which you can encounter God and hear his voice: through prophecy, dreams, and visions


God Speaks Prophetically


1st Corinthians states that everyone should desire the gift of prophecy. Does that mean you? Yes! When the Spirit of God comes upon you, you have the incredible ability to hear His voice in your heart, mind, or even audibly in your ears. Even if you’re far away from God’s heart, this can still happen. In 1st Samuel, the spirit of prophecy fell upon King Saul even though he was distant from God. It’s like God knocking at the door of your soul, longing to have an intimate conversation with you. As Revelation 3:20 tells us, if you open the door and invite Him in, He will come and dine with you, sharing His wisdom, guidance, and revelations. Prophecy is a divine invitation to commune with the Creator and gain insight into His plans for your life.


God Speaks in Dreams


Have you ever had a dream that felt more than just a series of random images? Dreams have been a powerful medium of communication between God and His people throughout history. In the book of Job, we read that God speaks to us in dreams and visions of the night. One of my favorite biblical characters, Joseph, had the gift to interpret other people’s dreams. When we are in deep sleep, God opens our ears ato his instruction. He uses dreams to turn us from reveal secrets, to conceal pride within us, and to protect our souls from destruction. Not every dream is from God, but the deeper you examine your dreams against God’s word, the easier it is to know the difference. Pay attention to the dreams you receive, for they may hold divine messages and directions from God Himself.


God Speaks in Visions


Visions are another extraordinary way in which God communicates with His children. Just as He spoke to Paul through a vision on the road to Dimascus, God can unveil His plans, purposes, and promises through vivid imagery and supernatural encounters. Many people I’ve pastored believe, “Well, those happen to important people, but will never happen to me.” That’s wrong! Visions are not limited to a select few; they are available to all who seek God with an open heart. Whether you see something symbolic or receive specific instructions, visions are a powerful means of encountering God and gaining deeper insights into His will for your life.


Now, here’s the exciting part: these encounters with God are not limited to a chosen few. In the book of Acts, we learn that in the last days, God promised to pour out His Spirit upon all people. Your age, gender, or background doesn’t matter. God longs to commune with each one of us and reveal Himself in profound ways. Through the Holy Spirit, we can all encounter God and experience His presence.