Charting Your Course- Do You Believe In Miracles?

Bob Beaudine

5 minute read


“Do you believe in miracles?”

Al Michaels’ famous words have echoed in sports history since the famed hockey game in 1980. But the words should be asked of every Christian. Do you believe in miracles?

In a world often clouded with skepticism and doubt, the belief in the supernatural stands as a beacon of hope. These extraordinary events, seemingly beyond the laws of nature, have been documented throughout history, reminding you of the power God has called you to. The question becomes then, not do miracles exist, but what role do you play in experiencing these miraculous occurrences? I want to explore with you the three key aspects: Stirring Up, Activation, and Thinking Bigger.


1. Do You Stir Them Up?

Miracles are not random acts of cosmic chance. They often lie dormant, awaiting the spark of faith and intention to come to life. Think about how Peter walked on water. He expected something supernatural at that moment. Remember, none of the other disciples stepped out. Just as a skilled chef blends ingredients to create a masterpiece, you can stir up miracles through your faith, prayers, and actions. Your belief in the miraculous opens the door for these awe-inspiring events to manifest in your life.


2. How Do You Activate Them?

Miracles are not passive occurrences; they require action. Think of a dormant seed in the ground. It holds the potential for life but needs the right conditions to grow. Similarly, you must take steps to activate the miraculous in your life. Jesus encountered many strangers who were not expecting anything special, such as the man at the pool of Bethesda. Yet so many others sought out Jesus to see the supernatural, like the man lowered from the hole in the room or the woman with the issue of blood. This activation involves aligning your actions and intentions with your faith, often stepping out of your comfort zones.


3. How Do You Think Bigger?

In challenging times, it’s easy to focus on the immediate and tangible, but miracles often come when you dare to think bigger. Remember the story of the five loaves and two fish feeding thousands? The miracle happened when thinking transcended the confines of scarcity. When you envision a future beyond your current circumstances, you open the door for the miraculous to shape your reality.


Consider Jeremiah 1:5, “Before the foundation of the world, God knew you, chose you, and set you apart.” This verse reminds you that you are not a mere bystander in your life. You are a co-creator with the Divine, capable of stirring up, activating, and thinking bigger to witness miracles.

So now Jesus would ask you, “Do you believe in miracles?” More importantly, do you believe in your role in making them happen? Embrace your faith, take action, and expand your vision. Miracles are not distant events from the past. God has plans for them today.