Charting Your Course- Before Jesus Returns

Paul Teske

5 minute read


I want to talk about something that very few people are discussing today.

Jesus is coming back. And many Christians aren’t ready.

While the anticipation of the second coming of Christ is a foundational belief for Christians worldwide, I find so many underprepared. I want you to be equipped with the knowledge to be ready. As you look forward to that glorious day when He returns, you are called to be diligent in your preparation. While you do not know the exact hour or day, Scripture provides you with clear guidance on how to be ready.

1. Deepen Your Relationship with Christ
To be truly prepared for Christ’s return, there’s no substitute for a personal relationship with Him. Your relationship should involve consistent prayer, reading the Bible, and seeking His presence daily. It’s not about following rituals but cultivating a genuine connection. As you draw near to Christ, He transforms you from the inside out, aligning your heart with His will. This closeness helps you discern His voice, recognize His work in your life, and become more like Him.

Moreover, deepening your relationship with Christ equips you to withstand the challenges of the world. When you encounter difficulties, you can lean on His strength, find comfort in His promises, and exhibit the fruits of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. James 1 is a great place in scripture to find direction. These qualities are essential as you navigate a world in need of His light.

2. Live a Life of Love and Service
Preparing for Christ’s return involves more than personal piety; it extends to how you interact with others. Jesus emphasized love for God and love for your neighbors as the greatest commandments. Living a life of love means demonstrating kindness, compassion, and forgiveness to those around you. It entails being a peacemaker and seeking reconciliation when conflicts arise.

Additionally, service is a hallmark of Christian living. Christ Himself was a servant, and He calls you to follow in His footsteps. As you reach out to the less fortunate, care for the needy, and advocate for justice, you embody the love of Christ in tangible ways. Your acts of service become a testimony to the world, showcasing the transformative power of Christ’s love.

3. Watch and Pray with Expectation
Jesus frequently emphasized the importance of vigilance and watchfulness regarding His return. You are encouraged to be spiritually awake, discerning the signs of the times. While you may not know the precise moment of His coming, you can remain alert and prayerful.
Prayer is your lifeline to God, where you express your hopes, fears, and supplications. In these conversations with your Heavenly Father, you can also pray for His kingdom to come and His will to be done on Earth as it is in heaven. By maintaining an attitude of expectancy, you align your heart with the ultimate fulfillment of God’s plan.

Preparing for the second coming of Christ is not a passive endeavor but an active, life-transforming journey. It begins with a deep and authentic relationship with Jesus Christ, continues with a life characterized by love and service, and culminates in an attitude of watchfulness and prayer. As you follow these three essential steps, you will grow in readiness for the day when our Lord and Savior returns to claim His own. May you, as a faithful believer, eagerly await His coming, living your life in a manner that reflects His love, grace, and truth to a world in need.