31 Days of Wisdom and Worship – Day 6 – Pastor Ryan Binkley

“These six things the LORD hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil, A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren.”

To know what God loves is incredibly important. He tells us to love one another, serve the least in our world, take care of orphans and widows, and for us to live by His commandments. Conversely, and yet equally as important, we need to know and heed to what God hates and what is an abomination to Him. A proud look is thinking more highly of yourself than you should and less of other people than you should. I remember in my first freedom experience with God almost 20 years ago, I was repenting of all the sins in my life and the one God highlighted to me that was the root of them all was a “haughty spirit”. When He lovingly confronted me about that issue, every other stronghold in my life lost its’ grip and I was set totally free. The Lord also hates someone who lies and misrepresents the truth. White lies are not only noticeable and hurtful to others, they are also an abomination to the Lord. Hands that shed innocent blood is self explanatory in so many ways that we face today. I believe that an unborn child is innocent in all the events that could lead to their arrival and we should do all we can to see that more children are cared for and possibly adopted into loving homes. Certainly all murders fall into this category as well as abusive situations. Wicked schemes, feet that run to evil and a false witness who speaks lies are representative of people and situations that we need to avoid at all costs. Finally, the Lord detests someone who tries to divide a group of people by sowing discord. I have always thought it’s interesting that the Lord ends his list of abominations with an analogy of someone who “plants” a seed of doubt or disunity – that it’s ungodly and is detestable to Him. I believe the Lord loves unity so much that He would rather us overlook offenses than just complain and sow disunity especially regarding small issues. I am not referring to sinful ways or major doctrinal foundations that we must stand for righteousness and confront if needed. But most of the discord that I have seen in churches, families, and in businesses usually involve just one person wanting to be promoted or lifted up over someone else. Usually it was a time, when they felt like they should be leading but they just weren’t leading just yet. I think one of the greatest tests all leaders have to pass right before they get elevated is to not take the bait and speak down or look down at others on your way. God will promote you and see to it that you are where you are supposed to be right on time. He always blesses the faithful.

“My eye wastes away because of grief; It grows old because of all my enemies. Depart from me, all you workers of iniquity; For the LORD has heard the voice of my weeping. The LORD has heard my supplication; The LORD will receive my prayer. Let all my enemies be ashamed and greatly troubled; Let them turn back and be ashamed suddenly.”

Lord, thank you for delivering me from my enemies and protecting me from every evil scheme against my life. The enemy has surrounded me many times and You have always protected and saved me! Thank You for hearing my prayers and my cries and for bringing me through every trial I have faced. May every accusation and attack from the enemy be turned back and anyone who participates be brought into repentance. Today, I forgive and bless all my enemies and pray Your guidance, love, and grace to cover them in truth and may they find healing and hope in their lives. May your grace and unity surround my home and life forevermore. Amen.